By applying for membership with the Florida Prestressed Concrete Association (FPCA), members hereby agree to abide by the requirements and conditions of the Articles of Incorporation, Charter, and By-Laws of the Association and to assist in the attainment of its purposes and objectives by active support and participation in the programs, committees, and events of the FPCA.

Please check the class of membership, fill out the form, and click the submit button to send it to FPCA. For more information, contact Mr. Diep Tu, Executive Director at


, or (407) 758-9966.

Become a Member

Please fill out form below:

Your Name(Required)
Your Address

How Can We Reach You?

Your Email Address(Required)
This information will be used for Member's Highlights on FPCA's website.
Organizational Membership Class
$1000 Annually
Individual Membership Class
$200 Annually

If you would prefer to send a printed version, please download the application below