This presentation aims to expand on commonly known aspects of hurricanes and the effect hurricanes have on coastal communities. Codes and building standards are covered along with the role precast concrete plays in establishing structures with superior durability and resiliency in the face of disastrous weather events. Attendees will be presented with valuable statistics and research findings regarding hurricane related topics along with detailed case studies.
Thursday, October 14, 2021, noon CST
Credits: AIA 1.0 HSW LU or 1.0 PDH (only available to day-of attendees)
Learning Objectives:
- Highlight historical hurricane data and storm related statistics.
- Define hurricanes and how they are measured.
- Examine storm shelter requirements and design considerations included in ICC/NSSA 500, FEMA 361 and the IBC.
- Identify various precast building components.
- Describe the advantages of using precast/prestressed concrete for safe buildings.
- Case studies of effective use of precast as storm shelters.
- Provide resources for future references.

Dan Eckenrode – Executive Director – PCI Gulf South