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1144 E Newport Center Dr Deerfield Beach FL 33442 Work Phone: (800) 992-6273
Photo of MAPEI Corp.

Company Info

Description: MAPEI’s admixtures line debuted in the 1990s in Italy with the formulation of the industry’s first acrylic-based superplasticizer. In 2014, MAPEI acquired GRT and now, thanks to constant technological innovation, MAPEI’s Admixtures for Concrete line offers solutions for the most varied range of construction needs – from large-scale commercial and infrastructure projects to residential building projects. Additionally, some of MAPEI’s Admixtures for Concrete products are included in the Department of Transportation (DOT) Approved Product Lists (APLs) in the U.S


Gerald LaPier
(954) 531-7138

Drew bullock, Assistant Regional Sales Manager
(336) 230-4800

Mohammad Mohammad, Concrete Admixture Sales – FL
(656) 209-7618

Carlos Hernandez, Concrete Restoration & Waterproofing Specialist
(786) 300-5089


Categories: Associate Members
Updated 7 months ago.